Wednesday, November 10, 2010

SCE 3104 PSC & PC

tarikh :11/11/10
jam : 0830-0945
tempat: Dewan Sri Samarahan

masa yg ditunggu telah pun tiba..setelah sekian lama aku bcinta dengan Piaget, Bruner, Howard Gardner, Kolb, VARK, GRASP...akhirnya aku telah smpai ke pghujungnya..bukan senang nak mmuntahkan semua konsep dan toeri2 yg dikemukakan tokoh2 yg bkenaan...semuanya melibatkan aktiviti rote learning..Subjek ini sangat bez coz bnyak benda yg aku telah belajar terutamanya bagaimana mngajar sains dengan effektif. 

ini merupakan content...saje je nak imbas kembali..(hehe)

Topic 1: issues in Science Education
* The goals of science education
* content of science education
* teaching science
* scientific literacy

Topic 2: historical development of the Primary Science Curriculum in Malaysia
* nature Study
* Special Project
* man and the Enviroment
* KBSR science

Topic 3: Malaysian Primary Science Curriculum 1
* Objectives
*learning outcomes
* Emphases- skills, content, values
* content organization - themes, learning areas

Topic 4:  Malaysian Primary Science Curriculum II
* Teaching and Learning Strategies
* Learning activities
* Assessement procedures

Topic 5: Teaching and learning strategies for Primary Science 
* inquiry approach
* Discovery approach

Topic 6: teaching and learning strategies for primary science
*Cooperative learning

Topic 7: taching and learning strategies for primary science
* Investigation
* Experiment
* Discrepant Event

Topic 8: teaching and learning strategies for Primary Science
* Project-based Learning (PBL)

Topic 9: Teaching and learning strategies for primary science
* Science fair
*educational technology

Topic 10: Teaching and learning strategies for primary science
* multiple intelligence

Topic 11: Teaching science for all children. Cultural diversity and gender differences:
* Strategies for adapting science instruction to children with cultural diversity
* technique for teaching science in non-English speaking students
* Strategies to help avoid gender bias in science classroom

Topic 12: Science exceptional children : Learner differences
* Strategies for adapting science instruction to children with different learning styles

Topic 13: Science exceptional children: learning disabilities
* strategies for adapting science instruction to children with learning disabilities
* how can parents help their children study and prepare science

Topic 14: Science for exceptional children: physical disabilities
* Strategies for adapting science instruction to children with physical abilities
* How can parents help their children study and prepare for science

Topic 15: Science for exceptional children : gifted and talented students
* Strategies for adapting science instruction to gifted and talented children
* how can parents help their children study and prepare for science.

 Bapa di sorga, berikanlah aku hikmat dan pengetahuan untuk aku menjawab soalan2 yg akan kluar dlm exam nnti..Segala kemuliaan hnya bagiMU selamanya..berkatilah segala usaha aku dan juga lecturer kami..terima kasih Tuhan, Dalam Nama Yesus ku bdoa, Amen.

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